HP Beats 15 Laptop
I recently embarked on a mission and here is what happened! I recently broke my Surface Pro screen which decided to make the touch screen not work. I limped along for a couple of days with a BT mouse and keyboard but then that stopped working all together as well. What do I do??? I broke out an old friend with some specs and decided that's what I have to do until I get the Surface fixed. I suddenly realized that all the BS that HP installs on a laptop is doing nothing but slowing down what I actually want to do. I decided to call in reinforcements after I spent 2 hours deleting unnecessary programs and still wasn't happy. I needed to start fresh, from scratch! I told my boss man what was going on and he said he would bring the Windows 10 files to work the next day. Now all I had to was figure out how to boot to a USB drive and I would be all set. I deleted partitions and got started with one 1TB hard drive. Anyways to say the least the changeover went great and I am all set to go.
I am enjoying the gaming aspect of my laptop over the Surface. The gaming options are by far much better on my laptop. 8GB of RAM and 4GB of video seems to play most games pretty well, especially ones that are only a year or so old. Granted you can't play on the highest settings on a game such as PUB G but it is still playable! Well I'm going to run back to downloading all my favorite stuff and I will be back in touch with you about another review of some of the latest stuff that technology has to offer. Good night out there to my followers and look forward to a review on Player Unknown Battleground (PUB G). Just downloaded this guy and going to play some later