Hello from your favorite Verizon Business Account lead. I had a wonderful day talking to owners of companies about what Verizon business could truly do for them. The most reliable network in this country year after year. I am proud to sell a service that I believe in. If anyone is interested in a free account analysis for existing customers, or even a quote for a new customer looking to make that switch, I got your back!. Everything can be done through phone and email or even better a visit to the store to see me. I am so excited to see where I can go with Go Wireless and Verizon. Comment or message if I can be of service. #verizondelaware #houkroad #gowireless
These are the selected birds of May in Candlewood at my parent's house. They just bought a new house in a lovely retirement community and I went out there to take pictures for the day. I was surprised at how many lovely birds were out that day. Woodpeckers, Cardinals, Sparrows and so much more showed their face that day. I was fortunate enough to get some good pictures of them and was able to publish them online. My girlfriend bought me an amazing camera for my birthday and I have been taking advantage of it. Will coffee get me through? I think so! Here is to another great photo shoot and I love all of you!